

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Alex - Head Shots at Pony Pasture

Hello my friends!

It's been awhile, I know, but Alex and I have collaborated once again and I just can't help but share!  In her search for new head shots for her business, she suggested we trade off and hey, who doesn't love free photos from an awesome photographer?!  (You can check her out here! )

So, we set off and wound up at Pony Pasture which, is fantastic by the way and well worth a visit if you're in the RVA area!  The light was gorgeous and as expected, the 50mm was in full on awesome mode!  I got my first taste of how awesome in a previous shoot you can check out here!  In that same shoot, I realized that finding the right LIGHT is essential to having a beautiful photo.  That definitely held true in these head shots and I am so excited to see how my photography skills are evolving!!

On a similar note, I've had a growing sense that WHITE BALANCE is way more important than I thought.  Setting and getting it right DURING the shot is so much more effective than setting it to "auto" and correcting it later in Lightroom.  Plus, a shot done right on camera always shortens editing time.  So, gone are the days of "auto" white balance for me!

Anyway! On to Alex - obviously she looks gorgeous per usual!  Enjoy!

Pony Pasture is so lovely!

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!

AHHH, love them all!