

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Punkin Picking 2013 & 2014

Per usual, the Driskell's visited the pumpkin patch and got some pumpkins to carve.  Last year was one the first times I tried out using a fast prime lens and WHOA, what a difference it made!  The kit lens that came with my Nikon is a pretty limited zoom lens with very little ability to get the shallow depth of field and BOKEH that I obviously love.  At any rate, this post has photos from this year's and last year's visits.  And PS, I used manual focus for the first time to get that last shot ;)

This was a little to big for him :)

I am obviously obsessed with these wildflowers but who wouldn't be!?

Our pup's getting big!!

This was a complete accident and I think it is awesome.  

Our punkins!! From the left: Kimberly, mind, Hagan's (Stay-puft Marshmellow Man?), Geoffrey's, Derek's.  I didn't have my tripod so this was shot balancing the camera on the railing AND I USED MANUAL FOCUS.